Tuesday, October 18, 2022

How Does Energy Efficiency Affect Your Impact On The Planet?


Your total greenhouse gas emissions are what you produce each day. This is approximately the global average.


Here are some ways that you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions:


·         What type of vehicle do you drive? What kind of vehicle do you drive? You might leave your vehicle at work and use public transportation. Then you can reserve your car for weekends or special trips. Fossil fuels like oil and coal account for as much as 80% of our energy consumption. They also produce carbon dioxide which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

·         Your food choices are a major contributor to your carbon footprint. Because of the greenhouse gas emissions from cows, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane, meat is the most significant contributor. Consuming meat, dairy, and large amounts of fish can have a greater impact on the planet than any other means of transport (trains, airplanes, automobiles, etc.) or industrial plants.

·         You choose the energy company from which you purchase your energy. You have the right to choose your own energy provider in a market like Texas that is deregulated. There are many options and just as many choices. However, not all options are the same. You can help save the planet by selecting a sustainable energy provider such as Just Energy. Just Energy will use a portion of your bill to purchase carbon offsets or renewable energy credits.

·         Your personal habits. Are you more comfortable taking long, hot showers than taking short, efficient ones? Are you more likely to use the dishwasher than to wash dishes by hand? (The faster method may surprise you!) What about drying your laundry? You won’t find anything more fresh or efficient than freshly washed laundry, which is done by drying on the clothesline in the sun and wind. No one is saying that you should give up all creature comforts and conveniences. Even a bubble bath can be a wonderful treat. However, you can make a difference by focusing on energy conservation in your everyday life.

Get more information at - https://enertechups.com/

Monday, October 10, 2022

Things to Consider Before Buying a UPS


The global power supply, irrespective of the level of advanced technology it is backed with, is a very fragile system. A car crashing on to an electrical pole or a sudden surge in the voltage causing a transformer to blow up can hinder the services altogether for a particular block, as per the data put forth by leading ups manufacturing companies in India.

Although such instances are rare, they are not impossible and such instances can easily damage electronics as well as workstations in times when one is working on their important presentation!

What is the solution to steer clear of such instances one might ask!? Well, the answer is simple; invest in a beefy unit of UPS (or Uninterrupted Power Supply). These devices are known for their remarkable battery backup hours and enhanced protection to electronics against power surges.

Get more details at - https://enertechups.com/

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