Monday, November 7, 2022

Feasible Solutions & Options For Overcoming Electricity Power Crisis In India


A major power crisis has arisen in front of us today owing to shortage of coal, plunging entire world, including India, into complete darkness. Coal is crucial for India’s energy supply as 70% of India’s electricity generation depends on Coal. Every country is finding way out to deal with current power crisis which cannot be resolved overnight, especially for developed countries like India, which has 135 coal-fired power plants, but unfortunately, 70 amongst them reporting shortage, not having sufficient amount of coal supply resulting in running out of existing stockpiles within few days. Due to country’s severe shortage of coal, particularly in India, power generation in states like Punjab, Rajasthan, Delhi, and Tamil Nadu, has begun to suffer. Going by forecast, India was recently hit by power crisis when daily peak shortage rose to 10,778 MW, energy deficit reaching to 5% at national level, with some states experiencing steep deficits of upto 15%. Consequently, discoms resorted to load-shedding, leading to long duration of outage in many households and rationed supply for economic activities. As of September 2021, thermal power (power generating from burning coal, gas, petroleum) constitutes 60% of India’s installed capacity in power generation, coal-based power generation with capacity of around 210 gigawatts (GW) of total 396 GW accounts for about 53% of India’s total power capacity as on March 2022, India importing about 20% of its thermal coal requirements.

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